hi, everybody. today's recipe, i'm going tobe making a gluten free, oven-baked fried eggplant for you. we're going to coat thisup with a nice breadcrumb-seasoned coating, dipped in egg too, of course, and we're goingto bake it in the oven to make it a little bit healthier for you. so i'm rockin' robin,and i'm going to show you how to do it right after this. here are our ingredients that we're goingto need for our recipe. first off, i've got some panko gluten-free breadcrumbs here thatyou can get online. that's where i got mine. i'll leave a link for you in the descriptionof this video and you can find that. i also have some gluten-free flour here. this isan all-purpose flour that i picked up at trader
joe's. we'll need a couple of eggs, an eggplant,of course. we'll need some olive oil. i'm using an extra light, which works well inthis recipe. and over here, i have some italian seasonings that i put together myself. i liketo do that so i can control the ingredients, and again, that will be in the descriptionof this video. we'll need some salt and some butter. we're going to start off here by slicing upour eggplant. now, we want to cut this somewhere between one-quarter of an inch to a half aninch thick. we don't want them too thick and we don't want them too thin, because if they'retoo thin, they're going to burn and if they're too thick, they don't cook so well. and thenwe're going to place each piece onto...i have
a wire rack here and i'm going to spread themout and i'm going to sprinkle some salt on them. now, what that's going to do is it'sgoing to help draw out some of the moisture from the slices of eggplant so that it willcrisp up a little bit easier. now, we're going to let the eggplant restnow. it's going to sweat for about 20 to 30 minutes, and hopefully we'll pull out a lotof that moisture so they will crisp up. it's been 30 minutes for our eggplant to sweata little bit. so i'm going to place it into a colander and i'm going to rinse the excesssalt off. i'm going to let that drain, and then we're going to pat them dry. now that the eggplant is ready to go, we'realmost ready to start dipping it. but first,
we've got to preheat our oven to 400 degreesfahrenheit, and we need to prep our baking pan. so we're going to coat it with just alittle bit of olive oil, just a nice thin layer. all right, we're ready for dipping. okay,so what we want to do here, i have my flour and my panko crumbs here and we want to combinethe two together and we're going to add in the italian seasoning. so we'll take our eggplant and just placeit right into the egg mixture. you can use your hands as long as they're clean, and thenwe're just going to coat each piece. now place it right on our dish. now, we don'twant to crowd these together. we're going
to keep them plenty of space between themso it probably...because they're so large, i'm going to have to go probably two in arow. now, the last thing i want to do is take a little bit of butter, nice, thin slicesand place them on top, just a little bit. these are like paper thin. all right, these are going in the oven forabout 20 minutes. now, i also turned the eggplants over afterabout halfway through their cooking time, so check that out and make sure you do thatas well because it browns up more on the bottom. all right, guys, here you go, our little oven-friedeggplants are done. they stayed in there for about, oh, i would say 35 minutes. i likemine really crispy and brown, sometimes even
on the verge of burning them a little bit,but that's what i like. so anyway, these look fantastic. they just pop right off the traythere and they're nice and crispy. and guys, this would be great as an appetizeror just a snack or, you know, whatever you want, a side dish even. i want to give ita taste. hear that crunch? love it, absolutely love this. the italian seasonings, you'vedefinitely got to put that together. check it down below in the description, guys, allthose ingredients are down there for you. this is really good. very delicious. all right, guys, thanks so much for watching.i do appreciate it when you guys stop by and take your time to watch my videos. i reallydo appreciate it. so guys, if you enjoyed
the video, please share it, give me a thumbsup, and of course always leave me a comment. i love to hear from you. and if you do make this and you take a pictureof it, go ahead and hashtag me at #rockinrobincooks. i'd love to see what you guys come up with.and like i said, there's lots of variations on this. you can add to this. at this point,you could add even some pasta sauce with a little shredded mozzarella, and it would bereally just delicious. so thanks again for watching everybody. we'llsee you next time.